Saturday, February 14, 2009

Be Mine?

This year for Valentine's Day I got my oldest daughter some Hannah Montana cards to pass out to the kids in her class.  When she sat down to sign them she said she wanted to give them to everyone except one boy in her class, Connor.  

Now Connor always seemed like a sweet kid to me, so I was a little disheartened.  Had he been teasing her?  Was he not nice?  

Upon inquiring about these things my daughter just simply replied "no".  She just didn't want to include him and she wasn't prepared to give me a reason.

Then she comes home from school one day last week with some valentines that she made in class.  I am cleaning out her folder and getting her homework out for her and I see a little one with my name on it.  Then I see a bigger nice looking one and think that it must be for my husband.  

I open it up and read:
To Connor
Roses are red,
violits are blue,
suger is sweet,
but not as sweet as you!
your addmire
Uh oh. Move over daddy, there's a new boy in her life.

When I ask her very nicely and quietly about the card, telling her that I really like it and I think Connor will too, she takes it and erases his name, telling me she's giving it to another friend.

Then she points out the valentine she made for daddy that is stuck to mine.  Phew. At least he's not fully forgotten.  

The card then goes back in her folder and into the back pack and I never see it again.  I'm at the party in her classroom and I ask her if she's going to give it to him. She says no, and once again says she's giving it to someone else.  I press her a couple more times about Connor, but she's not giving up the goods.

Whatever.  A girl's got a right to change her mind.  So I let it go.

My daughter then left school and went home to the sitter via carpool.  I got home about 35 minutes after her.  In that short time, she managed to show her valentines to the sitter AND profess that one of them came from her "boyfriend" and points out the card to my sitter.

I hear this and of course I make my sitter show me which card it was.  Yup. It was Connor's.

Looks like mommy is on the outs this time.  She's confessing her love to the babysitter, but won't tell me about it?!

She's only seven years old.  What's next? 

I better be on the list to talk to about some of these things.  Or is it just in our DNA to hide things from our mothers?

Maybe we'll have to handle things 'the daddy way'.   Upon hearing this whole story he simply said "we'll just take care of that right now - tell that boy to come over to the house and we'll have a chat."

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