How the time flies.
Before our very eyes he is turning into a little kid. Not so much the toddler anymore. Certainly not the baby he used to be, but of course he will always be my baby.
While it has been a while since I have regularly posted, not so much has changed with our little guy. Last year I wrote that he was fast, furious and fun. Those still stand true today. Of course he is many other things as well.
He is full of energy and enthusiasm. So much so that I often get tired just watching him. And I am always tired trying to keep up with him.
He is in one moment quiet and shy, stuck to my side, and the next waving to me as he runs by to keep up with all the big kids.
He is entirely too demanding. But I guess that is part of being young and innocent. He has no knowledge that things won't just appear in front of him the second that he asks for them. And if you ask me he'll have plenty of time to learn the value of hard work later on in life.
He is more loving than I have ever known a small child to be. There are the more overt shows of affection, like when he comes running up to me at school pick up with a big smile and throws his arms around me. But some of my favorite loving moments are those that are least expected. Like when he was watching the birthday candles on his cake burn and I bent down to be next to him while we sang Happy Birthday. He saw me right there and just impulsively turned to face me and put both hands on my cheeks and pulled my face into his so we were nose to nose with big smiles on our faces. It was like he couldn't help but do it. And I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with warmth inside. His love is truly palpable at times.
It goes without saying that his smile still fills my heart with joy. His laugh is still the most precious thing in my world.
And he is still the most challenging little bundle of energy and love in my life.
So here are my birthday wishes for my son this year.
Happy birthday my littlest love.May you always have the energy to face all of life's challenges head
on, never regretting that you could have done more.
May you always remember your roots and appreciate your foundation, but
never feel too shy to get out and explore what the world has to offer.May you always demand the most, expect the best, and know that you deserve it all.
May you always show and share your love with those that make you happy, and
know that it will come back to you many times over if your heart stays