Sunday, May 17, 2009

Birthday Boy

Today is our son's 2nd birthday.  And while he may be our third child, he is not to be overlooked or forgotten in the crowd.

I can safely say that he's the first one to take us through many experiences.  Which speaks volumes considering we've been at this parenting thing for 7 and a half years.  Of course, some of these things are based on the fact that he's a boy.  Like he's the first one of my kids to obsess over Thomas the Train.  And he's the first one that can get a sunburned belly (my girls aren't into the bikinis yet).  And he's the first one to get a buzz hair cut.  That one may be a bit obvious, but it's a change of pace in my life, that's for sure.  I'm used to going to the kids hair salon once every 3 or 4 months.  Looks like daddy will be brushing up on his 3 blade skills.

My son is also the first one at this age to thank me profusely, or anyone for that matter, whenever they do something for him.  He says "tay koo mommy" after I get him a drink or snack, or after I open a door for him or put his shoes on him.  He even says it when I put him down for a nap.  I'm really hoping this is a sign of the gentleman he's to become.

He's also the first one of our kids to become an escape artist.  A couple weeks ago he was happily playing in the tub and my husband was in the next room on the computer.  So I took a quick jaunt downstairs to change over some laundry, figuring my husband would keep an ear out for the little guy for a few seconds, and thinking that he'll just play in the water for a minute, singing his usual tunes.  After not even 10 or 20 seconds, I hear "Mooooommmmy.....mooooooommmmy..." and it's getting louder each time.  Next thing I know it's very close by.  So I turn around and peak at the top of the stairs and there he is, in all his naked glory, dripping wet on the carpet.  Huh.  I didn't see that one coming.

Nor did I see the quick escapes from the crib coming either.  Neither of our girls ever got out of their cribs.  Ever.  Did I mention that they never did that?  Ah, the good ol' days.

Anyway, this all started about a week or so ago - right after the bathtub escape now that I think about it.  He woke up with his "I'm scared" scream, which got louder and more insistent over the course of a minute or two.  Since he's a kid that almost never gets up during the night we took our bets that he'd go back to sleep in a minute.  Not so.  His cries got louder, were followed by a loud thump, and then the got even louder as he tore past our bedroom, calling out for me, and started his rapid sliding descent down the stairs on his belly, screaming the whole way.  My husband leapt down the stairs after him and eventually we got him calmed down (but we had to deal with the side effect that he woke up his older sister).  After one more quick escape, that was another loud thump followed by the "I hurt myself" cry, he was back in his crib.  The next time he stood up to get out, I was at the door and told him to stay in bed.  Two more of those and we were done for the night.  Although he did get out of the crib that next morning when he woke up.  But for a week or so after that, nothing.  No escapes at all.  Until last night.

Last night he got out of his crib to find his favorite sleeping buddy at bedtime.  Daddy quickly resolved that situation, but then we had two "I'm scared" screams at different times during the middle of the night.  Both of those were followed by very loud screams down the hallway as he came to find us.  Then he helped himself out of the crib this morning.  And tonight, at bedtime, I had to do the "go back to bed" routine with him 4 times, and then stood at the door and did it another 3 times before he actually got out.  Then the last time, I was a little later, so I opened up the door a bit wider just in time to see his escape.  He's quite agile.  He climbs over the top while holding his doggy (the aforementioned favorite sleeping buddy) in one hand.  Which means that he throws himself over and is hanging on by one hand while dangling a good 10 inches above the ground, doggy secured safe and sound under the crook of his other arm, and then drops to the floor to make his escape.

Ah, my sweet boy.  How you challenge us so.  But with every new discovery, you make us stronger.  

So this year here are my birthday wishes for you.

May you always have good manners and earn the mutual love and appreciation of the women in your life.

May you always love the simple things in life, like a speeding train, a full moon, and a funny face.

May you always move with such speed and agility, and always go after what you truly desire.

May you always know that my arms are forever open, waiting to give you comfort in your times of need.

Happy Birthday my little love.

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